Yetenek Ustalığı (Skill Mastery)

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    Yetenek Ustalığı (Skill Mastery)

    Skill Mastery, bir yetenekte 90 ve üstü seviyedekilerin kullanabileceği özel becerilerdir. Aktif etmek ve kullanabilmek için Book of Masteries ve istenilen skille uygun Mastery Primer gerekmektedir. Title Menu'deki Skill bölümünde aktif ustalığa uygun ünvan da seçilebilir olur.

    Book of Masteries
    Mastery spellbook.gif
    Book of Masteries elde etmek için iki yol vardır. Valley of Eodon moongate yakınlarındaki Hawkwind the Timelord tarafından verilen questi tamamlamak bunlardan biridir. Sizi belli bir Peerless bossu öldürmek ya da Champion Spawnını tamamlamak için görevlendirecektir. Diğeri ise bardlara özel spellsong questlerinden birinin tamamlanmasıdır.

    Book of Masteries'e sol tıkladığınızda açılan menüde Switch Mastery'e tıkladığınızda seçebileceğiniz yetenek ustalıklarının bir listesi çıkacaktır. Listedeki yeteneklerin solundaki butona tıklayarak aktif edebilirsiniz. Bunu her 15 dakikada bir yapabilirsiniz.

    Mastery Primerlar
    Bir yeteneği ustalık olarak seçebilmek için öncelikle karakterinizin o yeteneğe ait primer i okuması gerekir. Mastery Primerlar Champion Spawn (6 adet), Peerless bosslar, Corgul, Scalis veya Charybdis'den elde edilebilir. Çantanızdaki primera çift tıkladığınız okumuş olursunuz ve kitap yokolur. Bunu Book of Masteries'e sahip olmasanız da yapabilirsiniz.

    Primerlar 3 seviyedir: Volume 1, Volume 2 ve Volume 3. Seviyenin yüksek olması, pasif bonusun ve diğer becerilerin etkilerini güçlendirir.

    Her mastery size 3 beceri kazandırır. Genelikle bunlardan biri pasiftir, diğer ikisi ise büyü ya da özel vuruşlar gibi kullanılabilir. Benzer yetenekler genellikle aynı pasif bonusları paylaşırlar. Kullanılan ustalık becerisi bir dövüş hareketi ise silah özel vuruşları ile aynı anda kullanılamaz.

    Ortak Pasif Bonuslar

    Icon intuition.gif
    IntuitionBushido, Chivalry veya Ninjitsu ustalığı aktifken, ustalık seviyesine göre mana kapasitesini arttırır.
    Icon saving throw.gif
    Warrior’s GiftsArchery, Fencing, Mace Fighting, Swordsmanship veya Throwing ustalığı aktifken, ustalık seviyesine göre aşağıdaki bonusları sağlar
    Icon enchanted summoning.gif
    Enchanted SummoningMagery, Necromancy, Spellweaving veya Mysticism ustalığı aktifken, büyücü stamina regeneration bonusu alır. Summon ettiği yaratıklarda hit point bonusu alır. Bonuslar yetenek ve ustalık seviyesine göre belirlenir.

    Animal Taming
    Ünvan: The Beastmaster

    Icon boarding.gif
    Boarding(Pasif)Animal Taming ustalığı aktif olan hayvan eğitmeninin stable slot sayısı artar.
    Icon whispering.gif
    Whispering40 ManaHayvan eğitmeninin Animal Taming, Animal Lore yetenekleri ve ustalık seviyesine göre hayvanının yetenek kazanma hızını arttırır. Büyüyü yapan hayvan eğitmeni görünmez ise görünür olur.

    Bekleme süresi: 30 dakika
    Icon combat training.gif
    Combat Training40 ManaHayvan eğitmeninin Animal Taming, Animal Lore yetenekleri ve ustalık seviyesine göre hayvanına dövüş becerileri eklemesini sağlar. Büyüyü yapan hayvan eğitmeni görünmez ise görünür olur.

    Tier 1 – Empowerment
    • Fiziksel hasar alan hayvanın 5 saniye süre ile damage increase ve spell damage increase bonusu topladığı empowerment evresine girmesini sağlar. Bu süre boyunca hayvan aldığı tüm fiziksel hasarı depolar. Empowerment periyodunun sonunda depolanan hasara göre hesaplanan damage increase ve spell damage increase bonusunu kullandığı, 10 saniye süren unleash evresi başlar.
    Tier 1 – The One
    • Hayvanların alınan hasarı paylaşmasını sağlar. Bunun için eğitmenlerine yakın olmaları gerekir. Kullanabilmek için birden fazla hayvana sahip olunmalıdır.
    Tier 2 – Berserk
    • Hayvanınız hasar aldıkça daha çok öfkelenir ve 8 saniye boyunca fiziksel hasar bonusu alır, kendi aldığı tüm hasar da azalır. Buna karşılık Stealth moduna geçemez, tüm Healing etkileri azalır. Öfke evresinin sonunda 60 saniyelik bir bekleme süresi vardır.
    Tier 3 – Consume Damage
    • Fiziksel hasar alan hayvanın 5 saniye süre ile hit chance ve regeneration bonusu topladığı consume evresine girmesini sağlar. Bu süre boyunca hayvan aldığı tüm fiziksel hasarı depolar. Empowerment periyodunun sonunda depolanan hasara göre hesaplanan hit chance ve regeneration bonusunu kullandığı, 10 saniye süren unleash evresi başlar.

    Ünvan: The Exact

    Icon flaming shot.gif
    Flaming Shot30 ManaOkçunun bir hedefe ya da konuma yanan bir ok atmasını sağlar. Başarılı vuruşta archery ve Tactics yeteneklerine göre belirlenen alandaki hedeflere mastery seviyesine göre belirlenen fire hasarı verir.
    Icon playing the odds.gif
    Playing the Odds25 Mana
    Okçunun partisindeki kişiler swing speed ve hit chance bonusu alırlar, buna karşılık okçunun menzili azalır. Okçunun 5 kare civarındaki hedeflere lower defence etkisi verme şansı da vardır. Parti üyelerine sağlanan bonus okçunun archery ve tactics yetenekleri ile ustalık seviyesine göre belirlenir.

    Ünvan: The Disciplined

    Icon anticipate hit.gif
    Anticipate Hit(Passive)While the bushido mastery is active the samurai has a chance to reduce hit point regeneration instead of completely losing it when using confidence as well as increasing the amount of health and stamina returned when successfully Parrying an attack.
    Icon warcry.gif
    Warcry40 ManaThe samurai unleashes a warcry that will reduce incoming damage from targets within a radius based on the samurai’s bushido skill, best weapon skill, and mastery level.

    Title: The Courageous

    Icon rejuvenate.gif
    Rejuvenate10 Mana
    100 Tithing
    The paladin restores the hit points, stamina, and mana of a target based on mastery level, and with sufficient karma can remove poison and curses. The paladin may rejuvenate a target more often based on higher mastery level, higher best weapon skill and higher chivalry skill.
    Icon holy fist.gif
    Holy Fist50 ManaThe paladin unleashes a flying fist against a target that has a chance to slow its target that can be resisted and does energy damage based on the paladin’s chivalry skill, best weapon skill, and mastery level. A bonus to damage is provided by high karma as well against undead targets.

    Title: The Desponder

    Tribulation24 Mana
    11 Upkeep
    This is a bard spellsong which disrupts the target's ability to concentrate (5-11 rounds up to 14 at 4x Legendary barding skills), reducing their Hit Chance and Spell Damage (by 5-22% base to 32% at 4x Legendary). The spell song also has the chance (15-60% to 84% at 4x Legendary, proportional to the Musicianship skill) of causing any damage taken by the target to cause a burst of direct damage (8-32% base to 50% at 4x Legendary, proportional to the Discordance skill) to the damage taken. The damage is further increased 1.5 times by the use of Slayer instruments. This spell song is affected by the target's Magic Resistance.
    Despair26 Mana
    13 Upkeep
    This is a bard spellsong which will reduce the target's strength (4-16 to 22 at 4x Legendary) and periodically (every 2 seconds, 5-11 rounds to 14 at 4x Legendary), inflict damage on the target (9-36 damage to 48 at 4x Legendary. Against a player character with 70 damage resist = 14 damage) as long as the target remains in range, and the bard has enough Mana to sustain the effect. The damage inflicted is proportional to the bards Discordance and Musicianship skills and in PvM its 1.5 times more for NPCs and 3 times more with Slayer instruments. This spell song is affected by the target's Magic Resistance. The type of damage is selectable through the context menu on your Book of Bard Masteries (cannot be changed while ability is active).

    Title: The Needle

    Icon thrust.gif
    Thrust30 ManaToggle ability that provides increased physical attack damage and decreases targets physical attack damage based on mastery level to the fencer that consumes mana while active. This ability does not stack with the special move Feint. Damage is capped in pvp at 35.
    Icon pierce.gif
    Pierce20 ManaThe fencer executes a piercing move on their opponent causing a stamina debuff and stamina drain on the victim based on the fencer’s fencing and tactics Skill, and mastery level

    Mace Fighting
    Title: The Crushing

    Icon stagger.gif
    Stagger20 ManaThe mace fighter executes a staggering move on their opponent causing a swing speed increase debuff and massive damage to the victim based on mastery level.
    Icon toughness.gif
    Toughness20 Mana
    20 Upkeep
    A toggle ability that provides the mace fighter with increased hit points based on the mace fighter’s tactics and mace fighting skill, and mastery level that consumes mana while active.

    Title: The Marvelous

    Icon death ray.gif
    Death Ray50 Mana
    Black PearlBlood MossSpiders' Silk
    35 Upkeep
    The mage focuses a death ray on their opponent which snares the mage to their location and does damage based on magery skill, Evaluating Intelligence skill, and mastery level as long as the mage has mana and the target is in range.
    Icon ethereal blast.gif
    Ethereal Blast0 Mana
    Blood MossGinsengMandrake Root
    The mage restores a large amount of mana based on mastery level and can recast the ability more often based on magery skill, evaluating intelligence skill, and mastery level.

    Title: The Enigmatic

    Icon nether blast.gif
    Nether Blast40 Mana
    Dragon's BloodDaemon Bone
    The mystic releases a wave of nether energy that pulses on attacked targets based on mastery level and does chaos damage based on mysticism skill, and Focus or Imbuing skill. Can apply a mana rip debuff to targets that are hit which will cause the target to lose extra mana and restores that mana to the Nether Blast caster.
    Icon mystic weapon.gif
    Mystic Weapon40 Mana
    Fertile DirtBone
    The mystic converts mysticism skill into an equipped weapon’s required skill for a penalty to mysticism skill based on mastery level.
    • Level 1 reduces Mysticism by -15
    • Level 2 reduces Mysticism by -10
    • Level 3 reduces Mysticism by -5

    Title: The Undying

    Icon command undead.gif
    Command Undead40 Mana
    Daemon BloodPig IronBatwing
    The necromancer has a chance to command the undead to do their bidding based on necromancy skill, Spirit Speak skill, mastery level, and creature barding difficulty while providing life leech to the target. Requires 2 follower slots.
    Icon conduit.gif
    Conduit40 Mana
    Nox CrystalBatwing Grave Dust
    The necromancer creates a conduit field at a targeted location that causes all targeted necromancy spells to effect all valid targets within the field at reduced spell strength based on necromancy skill, spirit speak skill, and mastery level.

    Title: The Unseen

    Icon shadow.gif
    Shadow10 Mana
    4 Upkeep
    Makes the ninja more difficult to become unhidden from taking damage and being revealed based on ninjitsu skill, stealth skill, and mastery level. Upkeep costs 10 mana and duration is determined by ninjitsu and stealth skill.
    Icon white tiger form.gif
    White Tiger Form10 Manathe ninja transforms into a white tiger, providing the ninja with a buff to defense chance increase, a chance to evade attacks based on mastery level, and an applied bleed attack on targets based on ninjitsu skill and best weapon skill.

    Title: The Deflector

    Icon shield bash.gif
    Shield Bash40 ManaWhen activated the shield user will execute a shield bash on successfully hitting or parrying their opponent causing physical damage and paralyzing their opponent, interrupts spells if players are not immune to paralyze, based on parry skill, best weapon skill, and mastery level. Damage is capped in pvp at 35.
    Icon bodyguard.gif
    Bodyguard40 ManaThe shield user chooses a protectee to absorb a percentage of damage done to the protectee based on parry skill, best weapon skill, and mastery level.
    Icon heightened senses.gif
    Heightened Senses10 Mana
    10 Upkeep
    Toggle ability that provides the Parrying Master with increased chance to parry based on parry skill, best weapon skill and mastery level that consumes mana while active.

    Title: The Galvanizer

    Resilience16 Mana
    5 Mana Upkeep
    This is a song of fortitude interwoven with magical energy. It increases the natural resilience of party members giving them bonuses to regeneration and resistance to detrimental effects: Hit Point Regeneration, Stamina Regeneration and Mana Regeneration increased by 2-16 +2 per 10 points in each of the three barding skills over GM (22 at 4x Legendary), reduced duration of Curses, Bleed and Mortal Wound 10-40% up to 60% at 4x Legendary. Increased resistance to Poison.
    Perseverance18 Mana
    6 Mana Upkeep
    This is a song of protection interwoven with magical energy. It envelopes party members in protective magical energy: Defense Chance increased by and damage taken reduced by 2-24% up to 30% at 4x Legendary, Casting Focus increased by 1-4% base to 6% at 4x Legendary.

    Title: The Lethal

    Icon potency.gif
    Potency(Passive)While the Poisoning mastery is active, the poisoner has a chance to not consume poison charges when using infected strike based on poisoning skill, Anatomy skill, and mastery level.
    Icon tolerance.gif
    Tolerance20 ManaToggle ability that grants the poisoner a reduction to poison level when poisoned at a stamina cost based on mastery level.
    Icon injection strike.gif
    Injected Strike30 ManaWhen activated the poisoner will apply a poison resistance debuff to their target (30%PvM, 15% PvP - can be negated by overcapping poison resist) for a duration based on poisoning skill, anatomy skill, and mastery level. Any poisons applied to the poisoner’s weapon will also be applied to the target. Poison may be applied to any weapon using this ability, however the poison applied to non-infecting weapons may only be applied by use of this ability and will reduce the poison level by one grade, debuff will be reduced on ranged weapons.Injected Strike is cancelled by all special abilities (Death Strike, Counter Attack…) Unlike special abilities, the 30 mana cost is applied when the ability is toggled on, not at point of strike. Also unlike special abilities the prepared attack isn’t cancelled by spell casting.

    Title: The Exhilarator

    Inspire16 Mana
    5 Upkeep
    This is a song of fortitude interwoven with magical energy. It increases the natural resilience of party members giving them bonuses to regeneration and resistance to detrimental effects: Hit Point Regeneration, Stamina Regeneration and Mana Regeneration increased by 2-16 +2 per 10 points in each of the three barding skills over GM (22 at 4x Legendary), reduced duration of Curses, Bleed and Mortal Wound 10-40% up to 60% at 4x Legendary. Increased resistance to Poison.
    Invigorate22 Mana
    6 Upkeep
    This is an invigorating tune interwoven with magical energy. It increases the alertness of party members and makes them feel empowered, giving them bonuses to their stats: Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity increased by 8 (base) +2 for each complementary skill at 120 up to 14 at 4x Legendary. Hit Points increased by up to 20 +2 for each contemplary skill at 120 up to 26 at 4x Legendary. All party members are healed every 4 seconds by 4-16 (base) up to 22 HP at 4x Legendary.

    Title: The Mysterious

    Spellweaving Masters will receive one bonus Arcane Focus per Spellweaving Mastery level. Arcane Focus still caps at 6 strength bonus. Spellweaving Masters are able to cast Arcane Circle alone but will not receive circle bonuses.

    Icon mana shield.gif
    Mana Shield40 ManaToggle ability that results in a shield on the spellweaver that has a chance to deduct 50% incoming damage from the spellweaver’s mana pool. Chance based on spellweaving skill, arcane focus, and mastery level.
    Icon summon reaper.gif
    Summon Reaper50 ManaThe spellweaver summons a stationary reaper for a duration based on spellweaving skill, and Meditation skill. The strength of the summoned reaper is determined by the spellweaving skill, arcane focus, and mastery level.

    Title: The Blade

    Icon onslaught.gif
    Onslaught20 ManaThe swordsman executes an onslaught of attacks on their opponent reducing one of their victim’s resists based on the swordsman’s swordsmanship and tactics skill and the damage type of the weapon used for a duration based on mastery level
    Icon focused eye.gif
    Focused Eye20 Mana
    20 Upkeep
    A toggle ability that provides the swordsman with a hit chance increase buff based on the swordsman’s swordsmanship and tactics skill and mastery level that consumes mana while active.

    Title: The Precise

    Icon elemental fury.gif
    Elemental Fury20 ManaWhen activated the thrower will generate a pool of fury based on their weapons damage type. Each successful attack the thrower deals will add fury to the pool. Once the pool is full the thrower will unleash the Elemental Fury. The duration and fury pool size are based on the thrower’s mastery level, throwing, and tactics skill. Damage is capped in pvp at 35.
    Icon called shot.gif
    Called Shot40 ManaThe thrower executes a called shot that provides a Hit Chance Increase and Damage increase based on the thrower’s throwing and tactics skill, and mastery level. Damage is capped at 100 pre-resist damage in PvP.

    Title: The Champion

    Icon knockout.gif
    Knockout(Passive)While the Wrestling mastery is active the wrestler receives a damage bonus to each hit based on mastery level.
    Icon rampage.gif
    Rampage20 ManaThe wrestler attempts to continually hit their opponent where with each successful hit the wrestler receives a bonus to hit point regeneration, stamina regeneration, casting focus, and swing speed increase based on wrestling skill, evaluating intelligence or anatomy skill and mastery level. The effect is lost if the wrestler misses, the wrestler’s opponent parries the attack, or fails to cast a spell.
    Icon fists of fury.gif
    Fists of Fury20 ManaThe wrestler attempts to land three hits in rapid succession to the next target that damages you within a 2 tile radius. If successful the third hit will deal direct damage based on the wrestler’s mastery level. The duration of this ability is based on wrestling skill and anatomy skill or evaluating intelligence skill.